Friday Fictioneers – Back On The Streets

© Rowena Curtin

Back On The Streets
by Miles Rost

8 years since he returned to the old haunts.

The smells, or lack thereof, made the area seem surreal. The scent of freshly baked bread from the factory was the prime smell missing.
The scent of booze and lichens no longer permeated the streets or the sidewalks.

The absence of smell made the area seem antiseptic. Half the buildings that enclosed the area were gone, removed to make new, giant buildings at twice the price.

He got back into his car, and drove away from the glass and concrete facades where brick used to rule. Donor money gone to waste.

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Friday Fictioneers – Brick House

(Author’s note: Had to take last week off again, due to some unfortunate pain related to my exercise regimen. I’m better now. And while I’m on new business, there’s a new watcher to the board. His name is H.K., and he’s a great guy with a sense of humor. He’s someone who is interested in what Music and Fiction is all about. H.K., welcome aboard! Here’s today’s fictioneers…)


© Rochelle Wisoff-Fields

Brick House

by Miles H. Rost

His foot hooked on a root, and he fell flat on his face into a peat bog.

Michael ignored the pain and kept running.

He had to get away.

His girlfriend Nadine had gone nuts.

For the first 3 months, their relationship was hands off and very slow-going. Without warning, she jumped on him and tried to perform a tonsillectomy with her tongue.

Seeing the old brick garage, he ran in and barred the door. He could hide out there.


Light came on behind him. He turned around.

“Oh, Michael…”

It was the end. He couldn’t run from her lust.
