Friday Fictioneers – After The Rain

(Author’s notes: Well, after a harrowing day, I passed my driver’s test. I spent today, the day after, applying for jobs in my area. Hoping to find something relatively quickly, but who knows what the job search may bring. In the meantime, I’m bringing up music and revisiting old artists I never thought I’d see again. Here’s one of them, to enjoy today’s Fictioneers with.)


© Jan Wayne Fields

After The Rain

by Miles H. Rost


Jack and Melinda Berry looked out over the vast valley, transformed from a dry and forbidden place into a vast and colorful vista.

To the left, waterfalls that cascaded quickly. To the right, wildflowers that bloomed once or twice a year. Behind them was the campsite, still wet from the prior night’s deluge.

They were worried about each other then, something they hadn’t done in many years. Huddled together as the storms whipped around them on that mountain ledge, they waited it out.

“It’s breathtaking, Jack.”

“You sure are, sweetie.”

In soaked clothing, Melinda snuggled at Jack’s side.



Friday Fictioneers – Titles

(Author’s note: Hey, folks! Hoping to be in the clear on things after next week. Spending time focused on my driver’s test. Praying I can pass it correctly. Here’s today’s fictioneers!)


© Douglas M. MacIlroy


by Miles H. Rost

She let go with all her skill.

Janie Palmieri watched as the disc flew off into the distance. The last hole of the regional disc golf competition, and she could only watch.

The disc continued to sail on the winds. Like a feather, it floated gently upon the light breeze.

As Janie ran down the hill towards the “hole”, the disc fluttered slightly.

The wind changed direction.

Janie could not look. Her eyes huddled into the crook of her elbow, not wanting to see the faltering.


Cheers erupted. Janie looked up.

The disk lay vertical in the “hole”.



Friday Fictioneers – Blue Hotel

(Author’s note: I am finally back at home after a week and a half with family, and traveling on the Empire Builder. Next set of challenges are coming, and I’m working quite hard on bringing them forward. Otherwise, onto today’s fictioneers!)


© Yarnspinnerr

Blue Hotel

by Miles H. Rost

With an audible crack, his ankle released pressure.

A long drive behind him, and another forthcoming, Harvey knew he couldn’t continue with it.

Running from one city to another, collecting the markers and contracts from Las Vegas bookies, it was not the life he promised for his wife, Celestine.

He looked up at the ceiling in his hotel room, wondering where he went wrong. Realizing the futility, he picked up the receiver.

He dialed. And waited for the beep.

“Starlight, I’m on my way. Called in my markers. I’m done.”

He walked out, slips of paper peeking from the wastebasket.


Friday Fictioneers – Fire Woman

(Author’s note: So, for the first time in a long time, I missed Fictioneers last week. I was on an Amtrak crossing the Northwest quadrant of the US, to visit family in Minnesota. I am on the way back later this week, so I got time to write this week. I will have more about things coming up, but I figured today would be a good day for writing a fictioneers. Enjoy!)


© Dale Rogerson

Fire Woman

by Miles H. Rost

“Those are the biggest speakers I have ever seen.”

Janelle craned her neck to see the top of the massive sound blasters. Marty just chuckled as he turned knobs.

“These babies should be able to project our band’s sound everywhere.”

Marty smiled as he plugged his guitar into the amp.

“Are you sure you’re not going to go deaf?”

“What? Me? Go deaf? This isn’t “Back To The Future”!”

He lifted his pick, Janelle knowingly jumping behind the couch. He brought it down.

Janelle looked up after the colossal *boom*, seeing Marty fly over her into a table of strawberries.
