Friday Fictioneers – Good Man In A Storm

(Author’s note: Last week was Thanksgiving, and having to coordinate things got complicated. So no FF last week. Making up with a song I recently found, and a story to go with it. Here’s today’s fictioneers!)

Good Man In A Storm

by Miles H. Rost

Brian Goodwin had a ministry of security.

His home was open to anyone who needed a place of shelter, a hiding place, or a waypoint on a life-changing journey.

Domestic violence situation? He’d be there to give you a place to gather and plan the next steps.

Depressed? He’d be there with tea and a book, and give you a few days to recover.

As long as there was a reference from someone he knew, you’d have access to him and his house.

Years ago, someone showed kindness to Brian, a mute man.

He’s that good man in a storm.

Click the frog, and read more from people like me!

Friday Fictioneers – The Jester’s In A Cast (American Pie)

(Author’s note: National Novel Writing Month is in full swing. I’m at about 17,500 words out of 50,000. I am going to be spending a lot of time coming up with marathon writing sessions, but I believe I am doing well. I now need to work on finding an editor to help with starting out this new venture. Oh well, we’ll see what happens. Anyhow, here’s today’s Fictioneers!)

The Jester Is In A Cast

by Miles H. Rost

“I don’t know about you, but Bob Dylan absolutely has to be the Jester.”
“How do you figure?”
“Take a look at history. Elvis’s music was big, until Bob Dylan came along. And Bob’s music was the big thing until the Rolling Stones came along.”
“What does Elvis and the Stones have to do with it?”
“Elvis was the King. The Jester stole the King’s crown. Bob Dylan took over after Elvis went through the military. As far as the Stones? Their 1967 album is ‘Their Satanic Majesties Request’.”
“So, Mick Jagger is Satan?”
“Don McLean was on to something.”

Friday Fictioneers – Sound Of Silence

(Author’s Note: One of the primary reasons I haven’t written here in the last little bit has been because I’ve been involved in National Novel Writing Month. I have been spending a lot of energy on writing 50,000 words, in the hopes that I can not only do it, but maybe surpass it and get it into editing (the hard part). I’m inspired, funny enough, by Val McDearmid. She is a good Scottish writer who has had some of her work turned into streaming programs (Britbox’s “Karen Pirie” is the latest). So, I am working my hardest. But, I decided to take some time out today and write here. So here’s today’s work.)

Sound Of Silence

by Miles H. Rost

Marie sat in her chair, working on the same loop of crochet that she’d been working on for the last minute.

Her daughter, Margaret, sat by her with her hand on her knee.

Marie put down her crochet and looked into Margaret’s eyes.

“You don’t know what it’s like. To do something, then forget you already did it.”

“Oh, Mom…”

Marie smiled sadly, and put her hand on Margaret’s head.

“Time to get back to my crochet work.”

Margaret looked up as her mother picked up her project and started on the same loop, yet again.

Her heart shattered completely.

Go ahead. Click the frog. You know you wanna.