Friday Fictioneers – Dragonfly

(author’s note: Well well well! Lookie what we have here! One of my pictures! Can’t wait to see what the stories prompt up! Here we go.)

© Me!


by Miles H. Rost

The names announced. The hats thrown. All that was left were the people as they gathered and started leaving.

Outside of the main auditorium, Quan looked up at the sky as his mother and father were chatting with another group of parents. As they finished, they walked back over to him.

“We’re proud of you, Quan.”

“You made salutatorian, that’s a pretty big honor.”

Quan sighed, as his parents looked at each other, puzzled.

“I could have done better.”

His dad, a former Tianamen Square protester, squared him up.

“Dragonfly, you did the best, and we’re proud. Don’t think otherwise.”

Friday Fictioneers – Skyline

(Author’s note: Sometimes you get a dry spell. The last couple of weeks has been that. I get tired from work, and I just don’t get inspiration. However, a new project I’m working on has allowed me a little more freedom to gain said inspiration, and allow me to write more often. Here’s the start of what I hope to be back to weekly posting, if not multiple postings during the week.)

© Na’ama Yehuda


by Miles H. Rost

To some, I’m just a part of the skyline.

They don’t always notice me, because I’ve been here for so long. They’re used to my presence here in the harbor.

Even the wider world has seen me, and look upon me as an emblem of how my people are supposed to be.

But there are some in the country who look at me with evil eyes. They don’t see me for what I was made for. They don’t see what I represent.

They see me as an obstacle, something to tear down.

They can try.

They will fail.

As always.