Friday Fictioneers – You Need To Stay

Greetings fans and friends, I should be back up to full steam for stories next week. Other things have been taking me away from the attention, but I should be back with more ideas. Here’s the Fictioneers for the week:

copyright Roger Bultot

You Need To Stay

“Honey, I told you that you need to stay home.”

“But, sweetie, if we’re going to have a comfortable life, I need to go and follow those white lines.”

“I’m sorry, but you cannot go. You cannot be out there all the time. You’re not married to the road.”

“If I’m going to make money for us, I have to be.”

“Doesn’t matter now. Look out the window.”

A few seconds later…

“AGH! My TRUCK! What did you do to it?”

“Didn’t you think it was strange you found me naked in the woods, and wanted to marry me right away?”


“You married a plant nymph, ya ninny. Now get in here and do the dishes!”

Friday Fictioneers – The Letter

I’m back, though still at limited action for a short bit of time. I will be up fully this week when I can pull my head away from other things.

copyright- Jan Wayne Fields

The Letter

The young lady looked at the paper in front of her. She sighed, as she pushed the chair away from the old desk. Putting the quill back in the ink well, she stood and grabbed her bag that was sitting off to the side.

She expected that her husband would read the letter and get the message. She wanted to get away from the boring nature of life, and this would give some excitement.

She waited for his phone call. And waited. And waited.

She waited a year, and finally said no more. She entered the house, and walked to the study. Her husband lay on the floor, a pool of blood under his head, dried blood on the corner of the small table.

The letter was untouched.

One Hundred Is A Magic Number

A Message From the Author

So, for those of you who keep up with this blog pretty regularly, I surpassed 100 blog posts on here a few weeks ago. Some of you may be wondering why I saved things up until now to announce it and talk about it. A lot of it was just time and work that I’m having to deal with outside of this blog.

However, I have hit 100 and I plan to keep going as best as I can. I may have some days or weeks when I don’t write, and that’s fine. As long as people come back to visit and enjoy what they see, that’s all that I care about. It’s not about the page hits, it’s about spreading the idea of music and fiction as partners in creating a full reading experience. That’s what it’s all about.

Now, someone asked me about how I was going to celebrate 100 entries. Well, what I want to do is go over the 5 stories that I think were the most enjoyable to write. Starting from the top and going down, I will go through and show you what was going on when those were being written.

#1 – The Lady In White, part 2 (Close Enough)

This story is one that I really loved to write. It was taken from a dream I had, and it was put down on paper as something that I really loved. The lady in white is someone who invades my mind from time to time. I don’t know much about her, but what I do know is that somehow in my dreams, she cares for me. It’s kinda sweet. šŸ™‚

#2 – Demolition Man (The AdventureĀ of the Losers)

This was my attempt at writing an action packed, full-on, balls to the wall action piece that could be the script for a music video. I got the image as I was sitting in my apartment and thinking about my travels through Iowa. That, and I think watching a Chuck Norris movie, got me thinking about it and *boom*, Demolition Man. I really did like writing that song.

#3 – The Beginning Of Something New (Supernova)

This was my first foree into doing a story that was a different way of talking about issues I faced. One of the ways that I heal my own self is by writing about a similar situation with other characters. It has been very helpful in time, and this is one of my masterpieces. I also firmly believe that the song is what makes the entire story come alive.

#4 – Man of ColoursĀ 

I love the work that I use to honor people that I love. My brother is one of those people. The idea of a painter using his canvas to communicate, that’s my brother. And when I created that piece of writing, I never would have thought that it would be a piece that would be family-oriented. I love my brother very much, and that story was his. The music just made it that much better.

#5 – Radioactive

This was my “political” piece. I was in the middle of hating everything political (still do), and it was my outlet. I first came across the song by Imagine Dragons while on vacation in Denver. A friend of mine introduced me to it, and it just screamed to my primal self. The idea came about to use this song as a way to further my anti-political anguish, and it helped me heal. A lot.


Those are my five that I loved. Those who have read my works before and who continue to read my works are encouraged to tell me which of my 100 stories that they think made the most impact on them. When you do, you’ll have to tell me how the music added flavor to the story. Cause that’s what I really want to hear.

I will be back to regular blogging starting next week. And I will be back on Fictioneers very soon. Until then…100!