Friday Fictioneers – Car Wash

(Author’s Note: Adjusting to two computers is a bit of fun, but also a bit of work. Especially when everything you need to do is on one computer…except for important stuff. Anyhow, here’s today’s fictioneers. Also, if you get a chance, go on over to my last Fictioneers story, which I forgot to add to the list last week:


© Nick Allen

Car Wash

by Miles H. Rost

“Oy! Marty! You need more 5W30!”

Marty Fieldman looked at his new full-service car wash and oil service, and sighed. Barely a week open, and so popular that he couldn’t keep product in stock.

“Got an order in for it. It’ll be here tomorrow.”

“You’re on your last four, man.”

Rico was hid faithful assistant, but always ended up sounding more like a nagging parent.

Marty sighed and dropped 30 dollars into Rico’s hands.

“Get 8 quarts, or we close up 5W30 service for the day.”

“Right on, boss.”

He smiled at his employees, currently buffing a Mustang.

“It’s all worth it.”


Friday Fictioneers – So Flows The Current

(Author’s note: I am attempting to get back into posting every week. It’s been tough, however. My job is demanding. Starting in December, however, it should be a lot easier as I switch my Wednesday fitness to Tuesday. So enjoy!)


© Dale Rogerson

So Flows The Current

by Miles H. Rost

*plunk…..plunk plunk*

Lee Richardson sat outside his garage, fooling  around while playing his bass guitar. High bass licks, low bass grumbles, didn’t matter. He was having fun.

“Oy! Lee-Rad.”

Lee turned around and smiled, his bros gliding their bikes up the driveway. Mike Jacobs has his keyboard with him, and Chaz carried his drum behind.

“We gotta get some practice in. You need anything?”
“Yeah, got a pastry brush?” Chaz asked, “If I’m gonna do the soft sounds, I need my brush.”

Lee handed it to him. They set up.

“How long we going for today?”

“As long as the current flows.”


Friday Fictioneers – Wonderful Tonight

(Author’s note: I know I’ve only been doing FF every other week for a while. Part of the reason is because I have exercise on Wednesdays, and that really kills my energy. I am in the process of switching my schedule around, and hoping that we can get things moving for December. I should be back weekly in no time. Here’s this week’s fictioneers: )


© J.S. Brand

Wonderful Tonight

by Miles H. Rost

She flopped.

Onto the couch she went, her minty scrubs stained with sweat. Her black hair was mussed, and little strands fell in front of her face.

“Tough day?”
“Yeah, the worst.”
“You gotta work tomorrow?”
“Thankfully no. I’ve worked 13 days straight, they gave me two days to rest up for the next 7 day run.”
“How long would it take you to get cleaned up?”

Blowing strands from her face, she looked at him quizzically.

“10 minutes, meaning 35. why?”

He chuckled.

“My beautiful nurse, would dinner and dancing do for the night?”

Her eyes lit up.

“Sweetie, you are so wonderful!”
