Friday Fictioneers – Wet Hours

© Jennifer Pendergast

Wet Hours
by Miles Rost

A drop of sweat plinked down upon the hot wooden plank, evaporating slowly.

Paul sat in the large sauna, taking his time letting the steam work through his lungs, helping to bust up the crud he got from one of his flock.

He leaned back, his shoulder resting upon the hot wood that made the base of the upper level.

As the seconds rolled by, the sweat drops rolling down his face, a thought passed across his lobes and resonated through his skull. The whole of his humidity-drenched being cried out a great old chestnut:

“Is it worth it?”

Go ahead. Click the frog. Join the fun.

Friday Fictioneers – Wonderful Tonight

(Author’s note: I know I’ve only been doing FF every other week for a while. Part of the reason is because I have exercise on Wednesdays, and that really kills my energy. I am in the process of switching my schedule around, and hoping that we can get things moving for December. I should be back weekly in no time. Here’s this week’s fictioneers: )


© J.S. Brand

Wonderful Tonight

by Miles H. Rost

She flopped.

Onto the couch she went, her minty scrubs stained with sweat. Her black hair was mussed, and little strands fell in front of her face.

“Tough day?”
“Yeah, the worst.”
“You gotta work tomorrow?”
“Thankfully no. I’ve worked 13 days straight, they gave me two days to rest up for the next 7 day run.”
“How long would it take you to get cleaned up?”

Blowing strands from her face, she looked at him quizzically.

“10 minutes, meaning 35. why?”

He chuckled.

“My beautiful nurse, would dinner and dancing do for the night?”

Her eyes lit up.

“Sweetie, you are so wonderful!”
