Friday Fictioneers – Wet Hours

© Jennifer Pendergast

Wet Hours
by Miles Rost

A drop of sweat plinked down upon the hot wooden plank, evaporating slowly.

Paul sat in the large sauna, taking his time letting the steam work through his lungs, helping to bust up the crud he got from one of his flock.

He leaned back, his shoulder resting upon the hot wood that made the base of the upper level.

As the seconds rolled by, the sweat drops rolling down his face, a thought passed across his lobes and resonated through his skull. The whole of his humidity-drenched being cried out a great old chestnut:

“Is it worth it?”

Go ahead. Click the frog. Join the fun.

Friday Fictioneers – Reflections (on the Lake)

(Author’s note: Still working on the story. Been dealing with some things that have come up since. A little under the weather with a throat infection. Getting better, though.)


PHOTO PROMPT – © Adam Ickes

Reflections (On The Lake)

by Miles H. Rost

Paul Marcus looked over the lily-pad covered lake, deep in thought.

“Where did the time go? Not long ago, I was 24 and full of spirit. Now I’m 35 and broken.”

He looked at the small bobs coming up from the lake, stirring a pad or two.

He thought back to the opportunities that were there, that he missed because he was focused on one dream. A one track mind, and that track derailed a year before.

Sitting back in a chair under the shade of a gazebo, he looked at his watch.


“6 more hours until I need to be home.”