Friday Fictioneers – Salesman

(Author’s note: It’s rare that I do the same artist twice, but the pictures just throw everything together. Which reminds me, if you haven’t done so already, go on back to my previous story and take a gander. Here’s the second story with music provided by the great Stan Ridgway.)


© Jean L. Hays


by Miles H. Rost

“…and for only $15 a month, you’ll get the package delivered to you with no questions asked. You just need to sign on the line, and it’s all yours.”

“One question, Burt.”

“It’s Brett.”

The customer rolled her eyes. “Brett. One question. Where are we?”

“I don’t understand.”

“What city are we in?”

“Scottsdale, Arizona.”

“What’s the temperature right now.”

Pulling out a “handy dandy thermoguide”, he took a second.

“It’s a balmy 102 degrees.”

“Now tell me, why would I want to buy a space heater when it’s going to be 105 degrees outside?!”

“Throw in an ice maker for free?”



Friday Fictioneers – (The) Mission Bell

(Author’s Note: I have a feeling I know who A. Noni Mouse is, because I’ve seen that kitchen before. If I’m wrong, then someone has the exact same layout for a kitchen than others I know… )


©A. Noni Mouse

The Mission Bell

by Miles H. Rost

“You finished the dishes, Harlan?”


Harlan didn’t say too much. He knew that when the bell rang, he’d have to be off to work. He didn’t want to leave many words behind.

“I baked a cherry pie. Want a piece?”

“Thanks, Caiera, but no.”

Caiera knew that Harlan didn’t want to say much. She tried to make him as comfortable as he could, before that bell sounded.

With long silence between them, it was cut by the church bell’s chime.

Harlan picked up his rifle bag, and went to the door where Caiera snuck a kiss.

A sniper’s life.
