Friday Fictioneers – Blood Drive

(Author’s note: I hate waking up early for work, and coming home in the mid-afternoon. Ruins the writing atmosphere. I get all tired and blah. Today’s fictioneers is brought to you by exhaustion from monotonous work. “One note to bore them…” Enjoy!)


© C.E. Ayr

Blood Drive

by Miles H. Rost

“Excuse me…”

No response.

“Ms. McCready?”

No response.


Jane McCready bolted up and looked around frantically. She saw the nurse and started breathing slowly again. She clutched the book she was reading near to her.

“It’s a good book isn’t it?”


The nurse smiled as she undid the blood pressure cuff.

“You donated a good pint and a half today. I know that someone’s going to be happy about that.”

Jane smiled. She knew that reading books helped her in giving more blood.

“See you in 6 weeks?”

“Same book, same old vein!”

Jane grinned, as she walked out.
