Friday Fictioneers – Season of the Witch

(Author’s note – Oh come on now. This is low hanging fruit! Enjoy!)

© Brenda Cox

Season of the Witch

by Miles H. Rost

A spinster on a bike.

The classic trope of old-style writing was personified by Miss Jane Banfield.

Miserly, grumpy, past her prime.

Jane was not someone to cross, and this day, a young girl’s cat crossed her with its claws.

She held the basket lid down, blazing as fast as she could on her bike, trying to look prim and proper while making sure the feline didn’t escape.

She didn’t realize that she was going too fast until she hit the small hill before the intersection.

Bike and person flew, as cat leaped out.

They said the cleanup was gruesome.

Friday Fictioneers – Chan Chan

(Author’s note: A lot of things have been happening. I hope to be back to weekly posting next week. Depends on everything. Here we go with today’s Fictioneers!)

© Lisa Fox

Chan Chan

by Miles H. Rost

Ernie loved the wind in his hair as he rode his motorcycle across the dusty land.

He got his reputation for being a daredevil during his long journey through various lands, seeing people and doing deadly things “in the name of the Revolution.”

It was one of the few things that allowed him the time away from the many jobs he did, to think and to let the steam off.

It was one of the last times he rode, for he needed to start training the irregulars.

He was always readied for the next day. The day he would die.