Friday Fictioneers – Angel Flight (Like An Angel)

(Author’s note: Things are getting busier as my time to move happens, but I have time to write, so write I will. Taking a cue from David Stewart, my good buddy over at the Green Walled Tower, here’s today’s fictioneers!)

Angel Flight (Like An Angel)

by Miles H. Rost

Opal Creek Pool was breathtaking.

A natural deep pool carved from bedrock at the bottom of a 15-foot waterfall. It was deep enough to dive and not hit bottom.

But for the group of teens from South Salem High School, they weren’t paying attention to the surroundings. They were focused on Angela Beach, the supposed school recluse, standing on the edge of the waterfall in a stunning bikini.

She dove in, her hands pointing just like a professional, and she quickly disappeared into the water. All the teens, especially the men, would swear she was like an angel taking flight.

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