Friday Fictioneers – Shinto

(Author’s note: After a wonderful birthday weekend, I am recharged and ready to go for 2023. Hopefully able to get back to doing these once a week. Enjoy today’s fictioneers!)

© Fleur Lind


by Miles H. Rost

Evening hauls were not the best for Sadao.

He was more of a day person, and loved his music. But with the salaryman lifestyle not to his liking, he needed a way to make ends meet without living at home.

He passed through the urban Takasaki area, carrying Canadian beef on his way from Ota to Nagano. As the sun went down, he flipped on the radio.

“A trip from the past in America. This is the band Hiroshima, with Shinto…”

Sadao smiled, settling in for the last leg of his first run.

It would be a good night.

From the “Odori” album, 1980.
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