Friday Fictioneers – Steady On

(Author’s note: A month has gone by. Life has been crazy, the hours have not been consistent. Such is what happens when you have overtime, as well as multiple appointments for things like the dentist and the doctor. Thankfully things are getting a little more consistent, and should be more regular post-Halloween. Here’s today’s fictioneers!)

© The Boss (Rochelle Wisoff-Fields)

Steady On

by Miles H. Rost

“How can I help ya?”

Portia jumped back as an old man with unkempt hair popped up from behind a makeshift counter.

“Sorry for scaring ya, miss. What do ya need?”
“Are you Dr. Chambers?”
“I am.”
“I was sent over from the dean of the History Department.”
“Ah, have they decided on whether to approve my class schedule, and move me out of this dreary office?”
“What is it?”
“You might want to read it.”

He took the note and opened it. His eyes moved like a typewriter.

“Lifetime Achievement Award?! The Bastards are they retiring me!”