Friday Fictioneers – Back On The Streets

© Rowena Curtin

Back On The Streets
by Miles Rost

8 years since he returned to the old haunts.

The smells, or lack thereof, made the area seem surreal. The scent of freshly baked bread from the factory was the prime smell missing.
The scent of booze and lichens no longer permeated the streets or the sidewalks.

The absence of smell made the area seem antiseptic. Half the buildings that enclosed the area were gone, removed to make new, giant buildings at twice the price.

He got back into his car, and drove away from the glass and concrete facades where brick used to rule. Donor money gone to waste.

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Friday Fictioneers – Winelight

© C.E. Ayr


by Miles H. Rost

“The old city has changed since we got married.”

Jeanette Brunwick and her husband Gary looked around as they cruised down the middle of the river on their pleasurecraft. They returned to their city after 15 years away.

“Remember that the old cannery used to be right there,” she said, pointing to an area that now sat an arena.

“That was where I stole my first kiss from you. The first night we drank wine, and figured that we’d be sommeliers.”

“The winelight, the moonlight. And now it’s obstructed by baseball games.”

“You can never return home,” Gary said, sighing.