Friday Fictioneers – Live and Let Dye

(Author’s note: None. It’s the middle of spring/the start of summer. Let’s read!)

© Liz Young

Live and Let Dye

by Miles H. Rost

“Red Cabbage?”

Paul checked a box.

“Onion Skins?”
“20 sets of red, 20 sets of yellow.”

Another box checked.

“6 bags of mandarins. I ate them all and saved the skins in the freezer.”

Paul raised his eyebrows, then chuckled as he checked the box.

“3 pounds. Shaved. Should be able to dye 3 pounds of cloth.”

Paul smiled as he checked the final box.

“Alright. We’ve got the stations set up, the stoves ready, safety prep done.”

He took a breath.

“Bring in all the children. Let them to dye to their hearts content!”

Oh come on now, how did you not expect a picture of fruit to not have some connotation to the work of dyemaking? (Kidding!)

Friday Fictioneers – Say It Isn’t Sew


PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

PHOTO PROMPT © Sandra Crook

Say It Isn’t Sew

by Miles H. Rost

“One more bolt! I need one more bolt!”

Janeane Crawford ran through the fabric store, with five minutes until closing.

She quickly grabbed a random bolt of cloth, and ran to the counter. The checker ran all the purchases through except for the final random bolt.

“Are you sure you want this?”

“Yes. YES! I want it!”

“Are you positive?”



She rang it through. Suddenly, from the corners of the store, a loud noise rang forth. It was like the sound of 1000 sewing machines revving up.

“What the…”

The checker smiled evilly.

“You got gabardine. And now you must pay for it…”

Janeane cried, as the checker laughed maniacally, showing her the total.