Friday Fictioneers – Live and Let Dye

(Author’s note: None. It’s the middle of spring/the start of summer. Let’s read!)

© Liz Young

Live and Let Dye

by Miles H. Rost

“Red Cabbage?”

Paul checked a box.

“Onion Skins?”
“20 sets of red, 20 sets of yellow.”

Another box checked.

“6 bags of mandarins. I ate them all and saved the skins in the freezer.”

Paul raised his eyebrows, then chuckled as he checked the box.

“3 pounds. Shaved. Should be able to dye 3 pounds of cloth.”

Paul smiled as he checked the final box.

“Alright. We’ve got the stations set up, the stoves ready, safety prep done.”

He took a breath.

“Bring in all the children. Let them to dye to their hearts content!”

Oh come on now, how did you not expect a picture of fruit to not have some connotation to the work of dyemaking? (Kidding!)

Friday Fictioneers – Silly Love Songs

(Author’s Note: I’m getting settled into my new place, and will likely have original stuff up soon. Otherwise, here’s today’s fictioneers…a continuation of last week’s, in ways!)


© Amy Reece

Silly Love Songs

by Miles H. Rost

“Alright, we are here.”
“A set of steps? Why are we standing here?”
“It’s open and I want people to see this.”
“See what?”
“Remember the night of the Sydney fireworks?”
“How can I forget? You kissed me while I was talking.”
“But it was pretty good, wouldn’t you say?”
“I would, except I couldn’t.”
“Well, we’re on steps, you’re above me, and I am now kneeling with a box in my hand.”
“Will you marry me?”
She blinked.
He looked puzzled.
“Of course, you silly goose!”
“You have–”
All was silent, as he was given a scorcher of a smooch.