Friday Fictioneers – Me and Julio

(Author’s note: I had to take some time away to rejuve my spirit and come back with new ideas. That, and the graduation of my niece and soon-to-be enlistment into the US Navy, took a lot of my time and patience. I am now back to do more work! Here we go!)

© Dale Rogerson

Me and Julio

by Miles H. Rost

“Hey, Ma! I’m headin’ next door!”
I shut the door behind me and ran my 12-year old body down the stairs and 30 feet to my friend Julio’s doorstep. I could see Ma leaning out of the upstairs window.

“Be home when the lights come on. It’s Nona’s spaghetti tonight!”
“Got it!”

Julio ran out the door before I could knock.
“Who we playing tonight, Julio?”
“57th Street Brazos. Haven’t lost a stick game since last July.”
“Looks like we gotta up our game.”

We ran down the street towards St. Andrews School. Tonight, we’ll defeat the Brazos real good.

8 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Me and Julio

  1. Wish there was a “love” button. This reminds me so much of my early childhood. Us neighbor kids would gather in front of my Grandparent’s home to play “kick-the-can” under the street light after dinner. Grandpa would sit on the porch and watch over us. The local police would stop, get out, and play a little with us, too. I don’t have many good memories of childhood, but that is one. 🙂 Great Story!

    • It was different when I grew up. It was a quick goodbye, then ride the bike to the nearby park until the streetlights came on. Then back home in time for dinner.

      And we could hear our mothers from half a mile away. The memories… 😀

      • For me is was the old car horn… I think it might have come off a model T… It made this unique sound that sounded a bit like “ougah-ougah”. You could hear it three blocks away. All the kids knew Mom’s horn meant time to go in to bath and bed.

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