Friday Fictioneers – Cry

(Author’s note: I’m in the USA. I’m on dry land. I’m jet lagged beyond all hell. I apologize if this isn’t coherent. Here’s the fictioneers for this week, a day later than normal.)


© Marie Gail Stratford


by Miles H. Rost

Hair tousled.

The wind made a mess of Brian’s hair.

He stood, looking out at the ocean. He stepped out of the vehicle, and within a moment he was alone.

He felt the entire weight of his years descend upon his soul, the experiences of his many years crushing him.

Brian completed his assignments, did what he needed to do, and ended up here, a place that he long had felt lost. He wasn’t home, but he wasn’t familiar with the place.

Like the waves he was spying, the emotions crashed into him repeatedly.

A tear fell.

He fell.



3 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Cry

  1. A mysterious tale of melancholy and dislocation. Completing assignments – being a model citizen – is no defence against angst, and no guarantee of happiness. Interesting, Miles. You prompt me to coin a very clumsy neologism, “feel-provoking” – because it seems to me that is what your tale is.

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